Tuesday, February 10, 2009

well...you know how it is

i am a stinky blogger
i am sorry
what might you ask has drive me to blog after all this time ?
well the remote has been taken over by women power and i am left null and void in the art of 
remotalia (remote controller (the controller of the remote))

so quick update for the 2 people who still occasionally check by blog, (not angie anymore)

I am kickin hinny (kids church version of kick butt) with my website business
sarah has gotten herself knocked up again (that dang milk man)

and we are in our new house

life is great, work is busy
and sarah is preggy sick as a dog (but a beautiful one)

i will strive to blog more
but i am not puttin money on myself

what is God showing me?
to learn to walk in His Kingdom, walk in His Light, and walk in the Spirit

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