Friday, October 24, 2008

i realized

i realized tonight, while trying to sort through the 3 classes i am taking, and get all the work done so i am not dying this next week with the fall festival

that the reason i have been pursuing doing my masters right away
and flipping back and forth and back and forth is that 

i think when i finish school
i am going to feel like something is missing in my life when it is done
(not like a empty hole when u dont have Jesus)
but i think i am scared to not be in school

for so long i have pushed and constantly worked and worked, whether with school or work
that i feel like when the school ends i will be lazy and have to much time on my hands, and like i have lost my drive in life

upon realizing this, i think it will be good for me to n
ot have school for a time

what will i do?
any suggestions ? lol

i think i will just be
maybe exercise and become unfat (is that a word?)
or i could find a hobby:
stamp collecting
worm farm
cutting the grass
or even becoming a expert tuba cleaner ? what?

as this dawned on me
the first thing i thought to do was blog
and believe it or not i am actually in the house alone
this is the first time since i have moved in with benny
it will only last 4-5 min, but it is nice

here is a updated pic of the house
if anyone out there has facebook, look me up and add me on

a life without christ is just the walking dead
it is no longer i that lives, but christ that lives in me, and the fleshly life i live, i live by faith through Jesus

Thursday, October 23, 2008

been a while

its been a while since i have written...sorry
well my time is consumed with Fall Festival
the 3 college classes i am taking at one time
and the normal schedule of life

our house i getting closer and closer to being done
this is how it looked this afternoon (thursday)

there was some guy there at 7:30pm still working on it

the church shocked us this past sunday, by sending us to niagra falls for a great vacation
we were shocked, and normally i dont get surprised i usually find things out before hand, (by the way i dont like surprises)

well i went online to check the rooms yet, amazing !!
i have been all over the world
stayed in hotels in europe that people only dream of
if this room looks anything like this pic below i will be impressed

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

there is just sumthin

there is just something about being done
i  have taken my senior exit exam (didnt have to pass just take it)
I have taken my ordainment test (i have to pass it, pray)
i have all my stuff moved
and finished yet another class

i have 2 more classes for my B.A. 
and i think i am going to take 3 more classes to have a minor in phychology (and i cant even spell it lol)

i also am in the mist of a fall festival, christmas play
among other things

God is Good, even when you feel like a crazy person

Thursday, October 9, 2008


well we are 99% moved most of our stuff is in a pack rat

the other bit is crammed into my inlaws spare room
very nicely i might add, thanks babe

and then there is the 1% which might actually be only .5% that is still in the old house

we might make a load tonight, which would leave just a couch, tv, tv stand and a few odds and ends you cant do anything with

no worries though

tommorow is the senior exit exam ( i can never spell tommrow)

and then monday for sure this time, the ordination test

ROCK is saturday

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

news paper

does a news paper even work?
do people even read them
i am forced to try and decide whether or not 
to advertise the fall festival with the local newspaper

i am thinking tha
t more than likely if anyone reads the newspaper 
(doubtful) that they will unlikely read my 2x3 inch ad on page i27

so i am contemplating the power of newspapers
we use them to potty train our puppies
and then later spank them with them
(its not wonder dogs have more urinary track infections than any other animal)

we use them on the bottom of our bird cages
(what is it with newspapers and animal excretions)

we use them to pack glass and fragile items in a move

but does anyone read them other than the occasional coffee drinker
in the cafe, who is really just using the paper to not feel akward for being alone

also the use of newspapers for paper machee....thats a popular one (not)

so is it really worth it to advertise with the newspaper
 especially after the dogs brings it in, do we really want to read through all the slobber


there once was a cow named
who had to jump over the moon
he tried and he tried
but he could'nt understand 
why a boone couldnt jump over the moon

Sunday, October 5, 2008


i wrote a whole post here, but it got deleted and i dont want to rewrite it
so will put the pic up i had with it and you can guess as to what it said, maybe i will rewrite it later


Thursday, October 2, 2008

why am i

why am i addicted to Altoids?
i dont know
i seem to constantly eat them all day long
i am just waiting to hear something on the news about how Altoids make you 
grow hair in weird places, or stunts your mental capacity, or even maybe make you stronger

it would be nice if it made you like this

but more likely this is what happens

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

piggy update

went by and saw the pigs
they were cute, there was one that was big enough for me to ride like a horse
very tempting
felt my alabama roots coming out
so now i must find a place for mrs. piggy to live for a week
anyone have a fenced in area thats pig friendly
ive gotten in trouble from a few people for making derogatory comments about ocoee and apopka
but i must say it comes from my insecurities about my trailer i lived in on top of a hill in the middle of columbiana, ala and my many forts, my lamb who died of a heat stroke (poor scooter) my pet pigs we ate, all my cows i sold to the butcher for money ......and the 20 pieces of sod my dad used to make me cut when i was 8 that was our front lawn surrounded my a myrid of red alabama

if we cant give the pig away at the fall festival, i cant always sell him to sonnys.....